
My Secret to Creating Motivation

My Secret to Creating Motivation

Introduction to the Diamond Grl Challenge

The Diamond Grl Challenge sign-ups ended last week, if you missed it, don’t worry—I’ve got something for you.

You can still transform yourself with my personalized 8-week plan. And because it’s the start of a new year…

You can use code CODE at checkout for 15% off the 8-week plan, only for today.

Apart from that, I wanted to share something I just realized recently.

My Secret to Creating Motivation

Realizing the Importance of Motivation

It’s about how I generate motivation when it’s just not there.

For the longest time, I thought motivation was the only way to do things.

When I didn’t feel motivated, I just laid in bed until it found me.

After a while, I realized there is a way to create motivation out of the blue.

Creating Motivation Out of the Blue

It started when I was waking up, and my body just didn’t want to.

I had to work out that day and follow a diet, but all my body wanted was to lay in bed and eat some junk food.

And you know what? I did it! But after a while, I felt HORRIBLE.

I looked back and realized I did nothing, wasting an entire day. That’s when it hit me.

I thought about what would’ve happened if I had woken up to work out.

What had I won and lost? Well, I would’ve lost one movie and a whole tub of ice cream.

That’s it! What would I have won? Well…

Another day of being 1% better, feeling healthy, and energized.

My mental health would’ve improved with my body, feeling beautiful and powerful.

All of that for only 1-2 hours of my day.

Hours I spent looking at the fridge trying to figure out what to eat, looking at pictures on my phone, or watching a movie I didn’t even like.

I would’ve still been able to do everything I wanted.

But with a lot more energy and peace of mind.

Knowing that I already did something worthwhile that day.

Reflecting on the Benefits of Staying Motivated

So, nowadays, when my alarm goes off and my body is yelling to stay in bed, I think about how I would feel an hour, a day, even a year from now.

And I remember that feeling of my conscience bashing me for not doing anything the whole day.

I hate that feeling, so I always wake up, and I realize the hardest part is actually waking up.

Once you do something, your day feels millions of times better.

And that way, when motivation hasn’t struck, I generate it out of the blue.

Try this the next time you feel unmotivated and let me know what happens.


Yaslen XOXO

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